Tata-owned Air India Express has unveiled its New Year Sale, offering Xpress Value fares starting at Rs 1,599 for bookings made through its website and mobile app. The sale is available on domestic flights until January 5, 2025, for travel between January 8 and September 20, 2025, with bookings required at least a few days in advance.
The airline is also providing added benefits under its Xpress Lite fares, including the option to pre-book an additional 3 kg of cabin baggage at no extra charge. Discounted rates for check-in baggage are available at Rs 1,000 for 15 kg on domestic flights and Rs 1,300 for 20 kg on international flights.
For loyalty members, the New Year Sale offers exclusive perks, including discounts on upgrades to Biz seats. These upgrades are available at a 50% discount for a limited time through the airline’s website and mobile app. “Upgrades to Biz seats are available for loyalty members on the airline’s website and mobile app for a limited-period discount of 50% off,” the carrier stated in a press release.
The airline’s rapid expansion program has seen the induction of 35 brand-new Boeing 737-8 aircraft, with a new aircraft joining the fleet every week. Air India Express now operates a fleet of around 90 aircraft, which is expected to grow to over 110 by the end of this fiscal year, enabling expansion across domestic and lucrative short-haul international routes, according to managing director Aloke Singh.
“At 65%, the largest chunk of growth in the domestic India market is actually on metro-to-non-metro routes and short-haul international networks. So, our focus will be primarily from tier-2, tier-3 cities to points in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and, going forward, South Asia and perhaps the Far East in a couple of years,” Singh said during a media briefing on Saturday.