If you travel, especially by air a lot, you’ve probably had bags or luggage lost. A new study reveals which airlines mishandle the most of your bags.

  New study shows ‘worst’ airlines

According to data released by My Baggage, there is a top ten list. My Baggage is a luggage shipping company that helps travelers’ belongings get to where they need to be.

The study examined data from the US Department of Transport Air Travel Consumer Report between January 2021 and January 2024. By mishandled, they mainly refer to luggage being lost.

According to the data, the ten worst were:

Total luggage mishandled  

Luggage mishandled per 1,000 enplaned 

Not only were suitcases included, but also wheelchairs, scooters, and other related devices. According to My Baggage:

“Data on the total number of bags, wheelchairs, and scooters enplaned from January 2021 to January 2024 was collected for each airline. This was then compared to the total number of bags, wheelchairs, and scooters reported as mishandled to get an overall rate of mishandled luggage per 1,000 items enplaned. This figure was used to determine the final ranking.”

Maybe next time consider trying to get all of it in carry on?

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