By Kimone Witter    


An American Airlines flight from Miami veered off the runway at Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston on Thursday night during heavy rain.


There were no reports of injuries to passengers or crew on flight AA850.


However, there was some damage to the aircraft and lights on the runway.


“At 9:30 last night, the aircraft landed in inclement weather. The investigation so far is that the aircraft veered off the side of the runway. There was damage to two runway edge lights and the aircraft picked up some debris. From what we have known so far, it taxied to the ramp and the disembarked passengers normally,” said Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Derby, Chairman of the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority.


He said an investigation into the runway excursion is ongoing and the full extent of damage to the aircraft is being assessed. 


CEO of the Seprod Group Richard Pandohie, who was a passenger on the American Airlines flight, said the landing was rough, but praised the pilot for her handling of the situation.


Speaking with Radio Jamaica News, Mr. Pandohie explained that the flight was delayed in arriving in Jamaica, having had to fly around Cuba, due to the inclement weather. 


“So the flight took quite a while. When we got to Jamaica, obviously, a lot of weather happening. The flight crew was exceptional. The female pilot, captain, was very communicative. And we made several attempts to land…. [It was a] rough landing, but I don’t think anyone has hurt,” he recounted. 

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