William Bain is the Founder and CEO of ScaleOut Software.

The airline industry is expected to fly even higher this year, surpassing pre-pandemic levels for the first time since 2019 with 9.4 billion global passengers. Managing this volume of flights is a massive data challenge. Recent disruptions in airline operations, such as pilot scheduling issues after weather delays, have made headlines and had a major impact on the public’s flying experience.

The Challenge For Airlines

As they navigate inevitable weather delays and mechanical issues, airline managers must keep thousands of flights running smoothly each day. When unexpected issues arise, they need to mitigate the effects and minimize disruptions. This requires making complex decisions, such as delaying outbound flights so that inbound passengers can make connections.

These decisions can create ripple effects throughout the system, often forcing passengers to rebook flights and pilots to update schedules. With the number of flights continuing to increase year over year, managing the intricate dynamics of an airline’s operations creates a twofold challenge.

Airlines must efficiently track and manage countless assets—flights, passengers, bags, gates, pilots, aircraft and more—even as changes rapidly occur throughout the day. At the same time, they must work to enhance the flying experience for customers with up-to-the-minute status updates, automated rebooking options and ever more personalized services. Legacy data systems struggle to keep track of the fast-growing volume of events that airlines need to process in managing operations.

Because there’s just too much data to inspect in real time, airlines have often relied on just capturing and storing incoming events in large databases for later analysis. Aging computing systems, like mainframes, have also hindered the ability to gain quick insights and make informed decisions in the moment. New software technologies can address these challenges while working smoothly with existing systems.

Migrating Data Management To The Cloud

Modern cloud technologies offer important capabilities not available in legacy systems. They can provide reliable data storage and scalable performance needed by airlines to handle huge volumes of incoming events without disruptions. Cloud-hosted functionality also can integrate with legacy systems as airlines migrate from on-premises data centers to public cloud infrastructures.

Cloud-based NoSQL databases organize flight schedules and passenger itineraries in a manner that gives airlines fast and reliable access to the data they need to process rebooking requests. These databases also ensure uninterrupted access to data even if a cloud data center goes offline. They both add performance and take the load off legacy mainframe systems.

Likewise, cloud-based “serverless functions” provide fast, elastic access to cloud-based computing resources, enabling airlines to quickly process events. Their computing power also lets airlines create new customer-facing features that enhance the flying experience. As passenger volumes grow and customers demand instant updates from their mobile devices, serverless functions can deliver up-to-the-second information.

Cloud-based technologies can help airlines address difficult operational challenges, like rebooking large numbers of passengers after a flurry of flight cancellations. These unpredictable situations arise from many sources, such as unexpected weather conditions, ATC ground stops, and pilot scheduling issues and can require thousands of passengers to rebook their flights.

Real-Time Monitoring With Digital Twins And AI

Staying ahead of emerging problems and keeping operations running smoothly requires new software technologies for tracking operations in real time. With countless sources of information constantly streaming into data centers, how can airline managers immediately find the most pressing issues needing attention?

One option is to use a type of software technology called “digital twins.” This software collects real-time data from assets and continuously looks for emerging issues. Because each digital twin keeps recent information about its physical counterpart and tracks trends over time, it can spot abnormal conditions within milliseconds and immediately alert managers.

Full disclosure: My company, ScaleOut Software, offers one such scalable digital twin platform for real-time monitoring and simulation, but digital twins, in general, can be set to track everything from balky fueling systems to delayed passengers making connections. This technology makes it possible for airlines to keep tabs on their highly complex operations and quickly respond to issues.

AI techniques, such as supervised machine learning (ML), can further enable digital twins to analyze incoming data and identify subtle problems. ML can find issues that are hard to detect and might otherwise go unnoticed. For example, ML algorithms can be trained to predict imminent component failures and enable these components to be replaced before a failure actually occurs.

Making Better Operational Decisions

After being armed with the latest information, how can managers make more informed decisions to steer operations effectively? For example, when a weather system in the central U.S. delays multiple inbound flights, how do managers quickly select which outbound flights to delay and how long they should be held?

To help make these time-critical decisions, managers can run software simulations of airline operations using live data to help predict outcomes for alternative scenarios. Simulations running faster than real time enable managers to quickly evaluate their options and make better operational decisions. Interestingly, these simulations can use digital twins with current information about their corresponding physical counterparts (flights, passengers, bags, etc.) to model the airline system.

New Technologies Enable Smoother Airline Operations

As billions of passengers return to the skies, it will become increasingly important for airlines to track huge volumes of live data and make informed decisions in the moment when issues inevitably occur. Software technologies such as cloud computing, digital twins, AI and simulation are poised to help airlines streamline operations and enhance the passenger experience, and airlines will need to develop expertise in these technologies.

Due to their long-term commitment to legacy technologies, such as mainframes, large organizations often can be reluctant to migrate to advanced technologies, which require new skill sets and hosting platforms. However, the pressing need to handle growing passenger volumes will force airlines to overcome inertia and make investments in modern, cloud-based technologies. The airlines that most effectively manage their live data will have the competitive edge.

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