The NFL team, the San Francisco 49ers, will become the first team in the NFL’s history to utilize Sustainable Aviation Fuel on its charter flights when the team has to travel for an away game within the country. This announcement is in partnership with United Airlines, which has a major presence in San Francisco, and the team has already purchased enough SAF to utilize for its flights this weekend to Los Angeles.

85% fewer emissions on a lifecycle basis

The San Francisco-based NFL team, the San Francisco 49ers, has made a historic announcement, which states that the team purchased Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to cover the team’s charter travel with United Airlines
this weekend for an away game in Los Angeles.

Considering United is the team’s Official Airline and the city’s largest airport, San Francisco International Airport
(SFO), when it came to reducing the 49ers’ air travel emissions, the partnership was obvious.

SAF can reduce greenhouse emissions by around 80% on a lifecycle basis, so the increased use of this synthetic fuel in a blended manner is one of the ways the International Air Travel Association (IATA) says the industry can reach its Net Zero Emissions by 2050 goal.

The production rate of SAF is still in its infancy and will require significant investments and time to ramp up production to make a significant reduction in the industry’s carbon emissions.

United’s CEO, Scott Kirby, made the following statement:

We’re proud to partner with like-minded organizations like the 49ers to demonstrate and elevate to a broader audience why it’s important to support real solutions like SAF.

More SAF purchased than any other US carrier

The airline’s management has positioned United to go against the flow, as the airline does not rely on voluntary carbon offset programs like its competitors, American Airlines
and Delta Air Lines
. United, on the other hand, is a leader within the US and, in 2023, purchased more SAF than any other American carrier.

United Airlines 787 by Vincenzo Pace-4

Photo: Vincenzo Pace | Simple Flying

The carrier, as part of its goal of net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050, launched its Eco-Skies Alliance program in 2021 and, in the past few years, has purchased around 15 million gallons of SAF, which equates to a reduction of 150,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

United Airlines utilizes blended SAF at more airports in the US and Europe than any other American operator.

Other key points that IATA recommends to help the industry reach net-zero emissions goals include market-based measures (this includes carbon offset schemes), technological advancements, and improved operational efficiencies.

Liquid Hydrogen Fuel will eventually be the solution

While SAF does help reduce greenhouse emissions, it will not help the industry reach net-zero emissions. The only real solution to this, currently under development, is the utilization of Liquid Hydrogen Fuel, as the only emissions from this would be water. Synthetic fuels such as SAF are currently acting as a bridge because commercial use of hydrogen as fuel still requires considerable investment and time.

Several organizations, such as JetZero and

Airbus with its ZEROe line of aircraft
, are making significant progress in hydrogen storage and propulsion. The manufacturers are already garnering partnerships with commercial airlines.

In fact, Airbus successfully activated its ZEROe engine earlier this year. Thus, the European manufacturer is planning to flight test the engine on an Airbus A380 testbed as soon as 2026. Airbus further plans to commence the ZEROe program later this decade in 2028, and if all goes well,

the first ZEROe line aircraft could enter commercial service by 2035

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