American Airlines has reversed its previous position and is no longer attributing blame to a 9-year-old child who was recorded by a hidden camera in an aeroplane lavatory. This decision comes just one day after the airline’s legal team presented their argument regarding the child’s responsibility in the incident.

The child’s parents were informed by FBI agents about the discovery of videos on a phone that belonged to a former flight attendant, who is currently in custody. This disclosure happened almost a year after the alleged incident took place in January 2023.

American Airlines expressed regret in a statement released on Wednesday, acknowledging that the inclusion of the defence in their court filing was inappropriate. They emphasised that they firmly believe the child is not to blame for the situation.

The airline recognised the seriousness of the accusations against the former team member and restated its dedication to prioritising the safety and security of its customers and team.

A court filing was submitted in response to a civil lawsuit filed by the child’s parents. They claimed that the flight attendant, Estes Carter Thompson III, secretly recorded their daughter in the aeroplane lavatory during a flight to Los Angeles.

Thompson is being charged with attempted sexual exploitation of children and possession of images of child sexual abuse. Thompson was arrested when a 14-year-old passenger found his hidden phone in the toilet. This led to the discovery of recordings of four more young female passengers, including a 9-year-old child.

The child’s mother was appalled and furious at American Airlines’ initial filing, criticising the airline for deflecting blame onto her daughter instead of accepting accountability.

After American Airlines changed their position, the family’s attorney expressed their dissatisfaction with the airline’s initial stance, stating that retracting the defence claim without acknowledging it as a mistake is not believable. The attorney also pointed out that the airline failed to contact the family once the recording was discovered.

American Airlines representatives have not yet responded to requests for comment regarding the attorney’s claims about their communication with the family.

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