MBABANE:Judge Mumcy Dlamini was allegedly funded by the State to go for a vacation as a token of appreciation shortly after sentencing pro-democracy Members of Parliament(MPs) Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube to life imprisonment.

A vacation is a period spent away from home either for relaxation or refreshing purposes after a hectic project.

Evidence in possession of this Swaziland News and supported by documents from the Immigration Department suggest that,the alleged royal linked captured Judge left the country on the 21st July 2024 via the King Mswati International Airport and, a few days after sentencing the MPs on politically motivated criminal charges, the Judge was using her diplomatic passport and left with flight number 4Z83.

The documents verified through the global Immigration Systems further suggest that, the Judge who returned on the 26th July 2024 with flight number 4Z086, had allegedly connected via the Angolan Airline.

It has been disclosed that,the alleged captured Judge was allegedly paid with public funds to go and relax after sentencing the MPs merely for demanding democracy.

The alleged captured Judge who is married to a royal family member and Supreme Court Judge Majahenkhaba Dlamini,declined to comment.

“She asked for a holiday vacation to relax and was given public funds to go and refresh after sentencing the MPs. You can conduct your own investigation and check her movements in the past few days,” said an insider very close to the matter.

MPs Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube were arrested,convicted and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment on politically motivated terrorism charges,merely for demanding democratic reforms,the order to arrest the MPs was allegedly issued by King Mswati,an absolute Monarch with Executive, Judicial and Legislative powers.

Eswatini is not democratic but,the country is ruled by King Mswati as an absolute Monarch, political parties are banned from participating in elections while human rights defenders, political activists, independent journalists and pro-democracy Members of Parliament(MPs) are arrested,tortured or killed for demanding democracy.

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