Tura, July 28: One of the very few in the entire North East, veteran Air Indian Pilot Capt. Avante Sangma has urged the youth and young aspirants to look at joining the airline industry for a career in the skies.

The son of former MLA Lt. Atul C. Marak, Avante has been serving in Air Indian for more that 15 years as a commander and felt there was no need to look further than Air India through its cadet pilot program, where he felt that the dream of navigating the friendly skies could become a possibility for those that are passionate about it.

“You can learn from experienced and certified flight instructors and train with the latest aviation technology and equipment at the academy. Join us on a thrilling journey that will transform your passion for aviation into a high-flying career that will prepare you to understand the complexities of what it takes to conquer the sky limits,” said Avante during a conversation.

Air- India, under the TATA groups expected to become the largest Airline in the world in the near future.

Incidentally Avante and his brother, Pablo Sangma are amongst the first few pilots from the state to explore the aviation industry.

“The career is not only lucrative but prestigious as many prominent leaders and celebrities were pilots too, including former PM Rajiv Gandhi, Ameriacan president J F Kennedy, Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson, Jim Reeves, Tom Cruise, John Travolta among others.

“I want to encourage the youth to come forward and join the program. Upon successful completion of the training, the youth will be absorbed into Air India. One of my colleagues from Arunachal Pradesh, Takar Toko, who joined in 2017 has already been promoted and I hope many from Meghalaya will join the ranks.

Information on the course can be checked on the website https://cadetpilot.airindia.com.

“While it will not be a cake walk to get through the course and emerge successful, things have changed and more opportunities beckon. Earlier in the 90’s aviation courses would mean a burden on the entire family due to its exorbitant costs, the cadet pilot course by Air India comes as a breath of fresh air. As someone who has been in the industry for such a long time, I can sure guide youngsters that want to enroll,” stated Capt Avante.

“You have the responsibility of over 400 people’s lives in your hands and as such the training and tests will be grilling. However, the bright side is that salaries are extremely competitive and come with added benefits.

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