Oklahoma City, often abbreviated as OKC, is renowned for its diverse economy, aviation heritage, and aerospace industry. Among the prominent players in this thriving aerospace hub is Boeing, the global aerospace and defense giant. Boeing’s professional presence in Oklahoma City has deep roots, contributing significantly to the aerospace ecosystem in and beyond the region.



Boeing’s scope in OKC

Boeing, founded as Pacific Aero Products Co. in 1916, has established itself as an industry leader in the design, manufacturing, and service of commercial airplanes, defense systems, and space exploration technologies. With a legacy spanning more than a century, the company has been a driving force behind many groundbreaking innovations in aviation.

In Oklahoma City, Boeing’s presence is significant and multifaceted. The company’s operations in the area primarily focus on providing support and solutions to the United States Department of Defense, government agencies, and customers worldwide.

Over 3,000 staff at Boeing’s OKC facility work on enhancing and modifying designs that are applied to renowned platforms, including the AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System), iconic B-52 and B-1 bombers, and the E-4B, also known as the “Flying Pentagon.”

Boeing’s impact on OKC

Boeing’s professional presence in Oklahoma City profoundly impacts the local economy and the broader aerospace industry. Here are some key aspects of Boeing’s influence on the region:

Economic contribution: As one of the largest aerospace companies globally, Boeing’s operations in Oklahoma City create a substantial economic impact. They provide stable employment opportunities, foster innovation, and generate revenue streams that benefit the local economy.

Skilled workforce: Boeing’s presence attracts a pool of highly qualified professionals, including engineers, technicians, and support staff. This influx of talent enhances the overall aerospace ecosystem, leading to knowledge transfer and expertise development.

Collaboration and innovation: Boeing collaborates with local educational institutions and research organizations to promote innovation and technological advancement in aerospace. One example is its robust college and high school intern program, which saw 128 future leaders training with Boeing in 2019.

Philanthropy: With roughly 20% of its employee base made up of veterans, Boeing strongly supports dedicated individuals who have served the country. The company commits several hundred thousand dollars annually in grants to Oklahoma-based nonprofit partners, including those dedicated to offering essential STEM and veteran services. Over the years, Boeing has also invested over $1 billion in education through its tuition assistance program. Additionally, their employees devote thousands of hours to serving the Oklahoma community each year.

Opportunities in Boeing OKC

Boeing doesn’t shy away from attracting and retaining talent to sustain its position as an industry leader in the region. For those looking to join Boeing’s OKC team, the company offers relocation assistance, which includes moving expenses, house-hunting aid, and temporary housing. At the time of writing, there are 97 vacancies at Boeing’s OKC branch, including engineering, project management, and analyst roles, as well as openings for the Summer 2024 Internship Program.

As Oklahoma City and Boeing navigate the ever-evolving aerospace landscape, their collaboration remains integral to the growth and development of both entities. With a shared dedication to innovation, technology, and community, Boeing’s ongoing presence in OKC is poised to contribute to the advancement of aerospace capabilities and enhance the region’s status as an aerospace hub for years to come.

Sources: Boeing, Greater OKC Chamber

  • 787-8 Dreamliner


    Stock Code:

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    Date Founded:

    Dave Calhoun

    Headquarters Location:
    Chicago, USA

    Key Product Lines:
    Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, Boeing 787

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