
  • The Alef Model A is one of the first flying car variations to receive Special Airworthiness Certification from the FAA in the United States.
  • The ASKA A5 successfully conducted its first flight and can seat up to four passengers, with unique features such as large wings for gliding and a ballistic parachute.
  • The Samson Sky Switchblade has made its first flight and is designed for easy transition between car and flight modes, taking less than three minutes. It also utilizes a hybrid propulsion system and can be fueled up at regular gas stations.



Flying cars are typically seen as an invention that will come far in the future. However, many companies across the world are working on developing flying cars today. These cars, which can typically transform into an aircraft or have similar functions to a helicopter or airplane, are in development in various stages. These stages range from concepts to prototypes to beginning flight testing. Let’s take a look at some of the flying car companies that are working to revolutionize transportation across the globe.

1 Alef Model A Flying Car

Price: $300,000

Passenger capacity

2 passengers

Range (driving)

200 miles

Range (flying)

110 miles

Projected entry into service


Back in June, the Alef Model A received a Special Airworthiness Certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This was one of the first flying car variations to achieve this certification in the United States. Per Alef, the car can seat two people and is considered a low-speed vehicle, which means it can reach a top speed of only 25 mph.

Aler Flying Car

Photo: Alef

The Model A has a unique design of utilizing hub motors while it is on the ground and also a propellor system for propulsion in the air. Specifically, the flight mode will use eight motor-controlled-propellor systems and is an all-electric vehicle. This allows the aircraft to take off vertically.

Once the flying car is airborne, the vehicle will rotate sideways. Both sides of the car will then become the wings of the vehicle, which makes the vehicle somewhat of a biplane. While the sides of the car turn, the cabin remains upright by rotating against the turning body of the car. This then allows the aircraft to enter its forward flight mode.


Price: $800,000

Passenger capacity

4 passengers

Range (driving)


Range (flying)

250 miles

Projected entry into service


Earlier this year, in August, ASKA successfully conducted the first flight of its A5 flying car. The test included a 30-second hover test and remained airborne. This test came shortly after the car underwent special road testing in which the vehicle drove 300 miles around California. Future testing will include short take-offs and landings and transitioning into cruise.

ASKA A5 field testing

Photo: ASKA

The flying car itself can seat up to four passengers and is shaped somewhat like an SUV. The ASKA A5 is fully powered by electricity, which powers the six-motor propulsion system that allows the vehicle to achieve a flight speed of nearly 150 mph per ASKA. Other unique features include a backup engine that can be used as a range extender, large wings to assist in gliding, a ballistic parachute, and is powered by in-wheel motors while on the ground.

3 Samson Sky Switchblade

Price: $170,000

Passenger capacity

2 passengers

Range (driving)

450 miles

Range (flying)

160 miles

Projected entry into service


Earlier this month, the popular Samson Sky Switchblade made its first flight. The six-minute flight included the initial lift-off and cruise to an altitude of 500 feet. The flight testing that the Switchblade is currently undergoing will allow the Samson Sky team to continue prototype production and eventually transition to full-scale production. The company is already taking pre-orders for the vehicle, which begins at around $170,000.

Samson Sky Switchblade Flying Sports Car.

Photo: Samson Sky

The Switchblade also has a unique design. Users can operate the vehicle as a car to the nearest airport, transition the car to flight mode, and then begin take-off and fly to their intended destination. The car-to-plane transition is expected to take less than three minutes. The Switchblade also utilizes a hybrid propulsion system in which the engine powers the car normally on the ground and then also powers the propellor system while it is airborne. The propulsion system also utilizes unleaded auto gas, so it can be fueled up at any regular gas station.

4 Terrafugia Transition

Price: $300,000+

Passenger capacity

2 passengers

Range (driving)

800 miles

Range (flying)

400 miles

Projected entry into service


The Transition is perhaps the flying car with the oldest design on this list. The vehicle began its design process in 2006 by several MIT graduates. The Terrafugia Transition received its airworthiness certification from the FAA in early 2021. However, the company was struck by financial hardships shortly after the certification was awarded and announced it would be moving its US-based operations overseas.

The Terrafugia Transition on display.

Photo: IFCAR

The flying car had a unique carbon-fiber airframe that helped it achieve a cruising flight speed of 107 mph. Although it only held two total passengers, the manufacturer stated that the vehicle could still drive on the ground at 70 mph. The initial prototype also had a unique Dynon Avionics glass panel installed. At present, there is no estimate for an entry into service or mass production, as th company still intends to move its operations to China.

5 Doroni Aerospace

Price: $135,000-$150,000

Passenger capacity

2 passengers

Range (driving)


Range (flying)

60 miles

Projected entry into service


Earlier this summer, Doroni Aerospace completed its 50th test flight for its flying car, the Doroni Aerospace H1. The flight tests for this aircraft are on track to bring the vehicle into production in the near future.


Photo: Doroni Aerospace

Per Doroni Aerospace, the eVTOL vehicle is capable of flying up to 140 mph with a 100 mph cruise speed. The flying car has a total payload of over 500 pounds and can charge from 20% to 80% in just 15 minutes. Doroni Aerospace hopes to improve this speed as battery technology improves.

Sources: Alef, ASKA, Samson Sky, Terrafugia, Doroni

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