
  • Breeze will serve 44 airports in 26 states this December-March, with Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, and Wisconsin added.
  • Not surprisingly, Florida is the airline’s main focus, with the most airports and the highest number of seats for sale.
  • But Charleston, South Carolina, remains its top airport, although the gap between it and number two, Tampa, has shrunk considerably.



Breeze recently added seven new airports to its network, joining three announced shortly before. According to ch-aviation, Breeze presently has 35 Airbus A220-300s, Embraer E190s, and E195s. While things could change, it will use them to operate 123 routes this December-March, based on data as of November 18th.

Seven additional airports are coming

As recently announced, Breeze has added the following airports to its network. It will be its first time serving Colorado, Indiana, and Wisconsin. The current network is as follows:

  • Burlington, Virginia: Tampa (begins on Jan 31st), Orlando (Feb 14th)
  • Evansville, Indiana: Orlando (Feb 23rd)
  • Grand Junction, Colorado: Orange County (Feb 6th), Provo (Feb 6th), San Francisco (May 22nd)
  • Madison, Wisconsin: Tampa (Feb 7th), Orlando (Feb 14th)
  • Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: Providence (Feb 15th), Charleston (May 10th), Tampa (May 10th)
  • New York Stewart, New York: Charleston (Feb 16th), Orlando (Feb 16th)
  • Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, Pennsylvania: Orlando (Jan 30th)

Breeze A220-300 landing

They will be joining…

They will supplement three airports previously revealed, adding the states of Mississippi and Illinois to its ever-widening network:

  • Gulfport Biloxi, Mississippi: Tampa and Las Vegas (both start on Jan 12th)
  • Plattsburgh, New York: Orlando (Nov 28th), Tampa (Feb 2nd)
  • Springfield, Illinois: Orlando (Dec 1st), Tampa (Dec 4th)

Breeze Airways Embraer E195-1

Photo: GingChen | Shutterstock

Plattsburgh is perhaps the most interesting of the trio. The New York State airport’s services will obviously target sun-seeking Canadian snowbirds. Plattsburgh is only about 65 miles (105 km) from Montreal, with Canadians having a long history of crossing the border to get lower fares from lower operating costs and taxes in the US.

Now, 44 airports in 26 states

To no one’s surprise, Breeze’s December-March operation sees more airports in Florida (seven) than anywhere else. Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa, Vero Beach, and West Palm Beach are all served.

Analysis of OAG data shows that the Sunshine State is the carrier’s backbone. It has about 832,000 roundtrip seats for sale to/from the state – more than half of Breeze’s total (55%). That is three times more than number two, South Carolina.

Breeze's December-March 2023 network

Image: GCMap

After Florida is New York, with five airports: Islip, Plattsburgh, Stewart, Syracuse, and Westchester. California is third with four: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino, and San Francisco.

Charleston is the most-served airport

When Breeze’s 44 served airports are considered, Charleston ranks first by seats for sale, just as it usually does. The airport was part of Breeze’s first route: Tampa-Charleston. It has about 136,000 departing seats for sale (double for both ways) on a network spanning 19 routes in the examined period.

Breeze's top 10 airports -1

Source: OAG. Figure: James Pearson

Interestingly, analysis shows that Charleston had 95% more seats than Tampa in December 2022-March 2023, reduced to just 12% now. This is because Charleston has seen about a 7% fall in capacity, while Tampa has grown by approximately 62%. The Florida airport will likely become number one in due course.

Three states are no longer served

Breeze no longer serves Texas (San Antonio saw it from July 2021 to May 2022) and Tennessee (Nashville from May 2022 to May 2023). Finally, all Oklahoma flights end on November 27th (Tulsa from June 2021 to November 2023; Oklahoma City served from July 2021 to August 2022).

Where else would you like Breeze to fly? Let us know in the comments.

Sources: OAG, ch-aviation, Breeze’s website

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