These longer breaks can be avoided with regular, lesser periods of abstinence. People who are venturing into the world of cannabis for the first time usually require very little THC to feel the effects. For some beginners, even a puff or two can get the job done… at Puff, Pass & Paint, and Cannabis Tours, this is probably about 25% of our guests! It is worth mentioning that some people have to experiment with cannabis several times before the THC produces a psychoactive effect. This has nothing to do with tolerance but is rather a combination of poor technique and biology. As a regular cannabis consumer since my teenage years, and someone who works in the industry and consistently consumes it for personal use, my tolerance at times is extremely high.
How to Reset Your Cannabis Tolerance
This chart assumes that your goal is to completely or How to lower weed tolerance almost entirely reset your tolerance level. Typically flower will have a % of THC, this percentage willbe a bit lower since it has not gone through the decarb process. THCA% will belarger because it’s more abundant in flower until it has gone through thedecarb process. Total THC % is an estimate of the maximum potential thc contenta product will have after it has gone through the decarb process.
- There may come a time where you level up to two cups of coffee a day or you find a cocktail doesn’t quite give you the rush it did back in college.
- Individuals above the average height and weight levels for their age group should factor in more time for the duration of their t-break.
- Sian Ferguson is a freelance health and cannabis writer based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Get To Know Your Body
- The first way is much more about awareness and lowering the amount of cannabis you consume each time.
- Exercise keeps the body healthy and toned, boosts mood, and releases a cocktail of chemicals throughout the body that makes us feel better.
- While the symptoms are uncomfortable, the good news is that cannabis withdrawal symptoms usually only last for 72 hours.
- In the case of CUD, the impairment may appear in loss of physical control, increased social detachment, decreased interest in work or school, and significant health risks.
This tool is designed to help you determine the optimal length of your tolerance break based on various factors such as your consumption habits and body composition. Using cannabis, particularly products high in THC, regularly and heavily can increase your risk of developing a marijuana use disorder or withdrawal symptoms. Even if you’re okay with daily use, no one wants to feel agitated, shaky, or nauseous simply because they’re not able to smoke their daily blunt.
How to safely resume cannabis use after a tolerance break
It’s possible to take a successful T break without quitting cold turkey, but you might need to be a bit strategic about it. It’s an effort that’s likely well worth your time, though, because a mounting tolerance can mean trouble for your wallet and mental health. You can simultaneously lower the amount of THC you’re taking in and still enjoy your favorite smokeable by mixing your flower and something else. This way, you’re sort of “diluting” your THC product without having to halt use entirely. Keep in mind, too, that it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor before starting or stopping any medication plan, including one that involves cannabis. If you’d like to dial things back without stopping entirely, you can easily limit how much you consume in a day and give your body time to adjust accordingly.
Obviously, these factors vary greatly across individuals, so our best understanding of the time course for tolerance development comes from studies in mice. A THC Sober living home dosage chart can make it easy to figure out how much of a particular cannabis product you’ll need to achieve the appropriate dose. You can also calculate THC dosage more precisely by using the lab testing data that is available for most regulated cannabis products, typically provided on product packaging. This information, known as a certificate of analysis (COA), usually includes the percentage of THC and how many milligrams of THC are contained in the entire package. With that said, it should be noted that exercise can intensify THC’s high, with one study showing that exercise increases plasma THC concentrations in regular users. This is because THC is stored in fat and burnt during exercise, releasing THC into the body.
- Some common cleansing ingredients include charcoal, vitamins, lemon, and ginger.
- Achieving a precise dosage is often easier with products such as RSO syringes or tinctures, which generally have scored markings on the syringe or dropper.
- That may seem harmless but this can drain money, encourage dependency, and even have psychological effects.
THC Detox: Questions & Answers
A “tolerance break” — at least from smoking — will support your respiration, soothe any irritation, and restore the damage in some cases. A tolerance break is a clean, cold-turkey break from inhaling cannabis smoke. Pandemics have a way of making people take a good look at themselves. Because COVID-19 hits the respiratory system so viciously, that’s reason enough to look at your cannabis usage.
How Often Should I Take a Weed Tolerance Break?
Individuals above the average height and weight levels for their age group should factor in more time for the duration of their t-break. For example, if you typically smoke joints, try other methods of consuming THC. Smoking from a bong, smoking from a pipe, or eating edibles are other great ways to feel the therapeutic effects of weed. Not only will your high feel different, but your tolerance will also be lower with an alternative consumption method.