Washington, June 16: A 34-year-old US woman, Heather Wells, is facing a lawsuit for failing to pay an $81,950 fine imposed for assaulting fellow passengers on an American Airlines flight in 2021. The incident occurred on July 7, 2021, during a flight from Texas to Charlotte, North Carolina, according to a report by the New York Times.

Wells was accused of kicking and spitting at passengers, as well as attempting to open the aircraft door mid-flight. Her disruptive behavior led to her being restrained and bound to her seat with duct tape by the flight crew. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) imposed the hefty fine, marking it as the highest ever for violent passenger behaviour. ‘Breasts Are Not Weapons of War’: US Woman ‘Scolded’ For Not Wearing Bra on Delta Flight, Wants Meeting With Airline Boss.

The FAA has now sued Wells for non-payment of the fine. According to the complaint, Wells became increasingly agitated after ordering an alcoholic beverage. She then attempted to open the cabin door while shouting profanities, causing a significant disturbance. Her violent actions continued until she was sedated by crew members and subsequently removed from the plane upon landing in Charlotte. US Shocker: Woman Pulls Her Pants and Underwear Down, Curses and Threatens Passengers on Frontier Airlines Flight; Booked.

The fines include up to $45,000 for assaulting and threatening crew members, $27,950 for attempting to open the cabin door in-flight, and $9,000 for interfering with crew duties, as reported by USA Today. The lawsuit highlights the FAA’s commitment to ensuring the safety of passengers and crew by strictly penalising unruly behaviour on flights.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 16, 2024 09:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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