Etihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics arm of Etihad Airways, and SF Airlines, a subsidiary of SF Holding, have announced their shared commitment to a project that will establish a landmark joint venture, marking an unprecedented milestone in the 40-year history of diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

In a significant meeting at SF Airlines’ headquarters in Shenzhen on 18 September, key representatives from both airlines convened to formalise their intention to establish a joint venture. Present at the meeting were Mohammed Ali Al Shorafa, Chairman of Etihad Airways; Mansour Al Mulla, Vice Chairman of Etihad Airways; Antonoaldo Neves, CEO of Etihad Airways; Stanislas Brun, Vice President Cargo of Etihad Cargo; Leonard Rodrigues, Director of Revenue Management & Network Planning of Etihad Cargo; and Wang Wei, Chairman of SF Holding; Li Sheng, Vice President of SF Group and Chairman of SF Airlines; and Alex Ho, CFO of SF Group.

This joint venture project builds on the already successful partnership between Etihad Cargo and SF Airlines, which has significantly enhanced connectivity and capacity between China, the UAE, and global markets. The current collaboration has seen both airlines sharing capacity to improve global trade routes, a relationship that has been mutually beneficial for both airlines and their customers.

The newly announced joint venture project will take this collaboration to unprecedented heights. Beyond capacity sharing, this partnership represents a full strategic alignment between Etihad Cargo and SF Airlines, combining their strengths to offer a unified, comprehensive logistics solution to customers worldwide.

Key aspects of the joint venture include increased aircraft capacity, improved transit times, interconnected networks and the expanded distribution of SF Express’s international express services. These enhancements will offer SF Airlines and its customers greater flexibility and faster European connections. Additionally, the partnership will expand the number of frequencies, hubs, and destinations served, leading to smoother transitions and more efficient operations.

The next phase of this partnership will involve finalising the scope of the collaboration, with updates to be provided in the near future and a definitive agreement to be signed shortly. Etihad Cargo and SF Airlines are committed to continuing to develop their relationship, which will no longer see the airlines marketing independently but as partners dedicated to better serving their customers and the global market.

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