The renovated main terminal at Portland International Airport opened just a month ago, and passenger satisfaction appears to have improved considerably as more passengers get to experience the new terminal and its facilities.

In a recurrent study, the airport’s ranking based on passenger satisfaction has improved compared to the results from the 2023 study.

Improved passenger satisfaction

Portland International Airport
(PDX) opened its newly renovated main terminal just over a month ago and is reportedly already improving the passenger experience at the airport. According to The Oregon Live, a

recent study conducted by J.D. Power
regarding passenger satisfaction of airports across the country, PDX came in at the eighth rank in the category of “Large Airports”, which consisted of 27 airports in total.

This indicates the satisfaction level of the passengers passing through the airport has improved, considering the airport had a lower rank of 12 in 2023.

The airport has especially ranked well for its dining and retail facilities, and it is reported that the renovated terminal could have played a part in boosting passengers’ satisfaction. Various dining and retail facilities have been positioned on both the airside and landside of the airport, with a significant presence of local brands that attract local passengers.

The executive director of PDX previously stated in the airport press release,

“Our focus throughout this entire project was: How do we reflect the pride and love we all have for the region, in the new PDX? And that question drove every decision. To work with locally-owned small businesses using local materials, to fill the new PDX with local art and shops from our favorite neighborhoods-and, of course, to bring back the iconic carpet.”

Other improvements to the terminal

Apart from new dining and retail facilities, the renovated terminal also features new space, alleviating the airport’s previous issues with crowding and enhancing the travel experience. Additionally, the

terminal’s security checkpoints and teams will utilize new advanced screening technology
, which will reduce the time passengers spend at the checkpoint as well.

The new security checkpoints will sport automated screening lanes and x-ray machines, which allow security members to view the contents passing through using 3D imaging. Ultimately, passengers will need to unpack fewer items from their carry-on bags, and while individually, this saves a few seconds per passenger, when considering the broader data, the time spent by passengers at the checkpoints will be drastically reduced.

While the Transportation Security Administration
(TSA) has increasingly been using biometric systems for efficient passenger screening, it has raised a few security concerns among a portion of passengers.

Second phase to be completed in 2026

The renovated terminal is part of a multi-billion dollar expansion of the airport, and the newly renovated terminal, along with all its new facilities, falls under phase one of the project. Phase two, on the other hand, commenced last month and is expected to be completed in early 2024.

New PDX terminal

Photo: Ema Peters Photography | Portland International Airport

According to CNN, the second phase of the $2.15 billion expansion will feature “cozy” areas where people can await passengers, mosaic designs by local artists, and other facilities such as private restrooms.

The airport, during June 2024, recorded 1.6 million passengers, which is an increase of 9% when compared to 2023, PDX has definitely had a busy summer. Paired with the record-breaking 4th of July travel week and the Labor Day travel week, the newly renovated terminal would have been greatly helpful for passengers.

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