In the previous installment of this two-part article, AeroTime took you through the initial stages of a routine commercial flight, from the pre-departure checks carried out by the pilots and cabin crew, to what is happening outside the aircraft, and from engine startup to taxi and take-off.  

With our aircraft now safely in the air and on the way to its destination, we can observe what is happening around us in the cabin as the crew go about their tasks. Meanwhile, up at the front of the plane, the pilots are monitoring their instruments and ensuring that the aircraft’s autopilot systems keep the plane on track.    

We will also examine the next most critical phase of our flight, from descent and deceleration to the approach and landing phases, even touching upon what happens when the aircraft arrives safely at the gate. So, remove your eyeshades, turn off the inflight entertainment screen in front of you, and take a moment to watch what is happening around you. Any flight you may take is always full of things to notice… 

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