A woman has shared the heartwarming story of Delta Airlines giving her an extra 24-hours with her mother before she passed away.
In a now-viral TikTok, Hannah White explained she was rushing to get home to North Dakota to see mom Kathleen Nelson, who had gone into septic shock post surgery after suffering undiagnosed pneumonia.
Hannah’s brother called her, telling her the ‘family needed to visit her immediately,’ as ‘doctors did not know what was wrong or how long she had.’
Hannah immediately booked the first flight out of Dallas which was leaving the next morning. The flight had a connection in Minneapolis, which wasn’t an issue until her flight was delayed by an hour due to mechanical issues.
‘I knew that if I didn’t make my flight I wouldn’t see my mom until the following day and we weren’t sure she’d be alive,’ she explained in the video.
Hannah explained her situation to the flight attendant, desperately asking if there was something they could do to make sure she makes the connecting flight.
‘She came back to my seat and told me I was unfortunately going to miss my flight and they had already booked me for the flight the following day,’ she recalled.
‘As she explained this, I immediately started welling up with tears,’ Hannah recounted. ‘I bawled in my seat knowing I wouldn’t be able to see my mom one last time.’

In a now-viral TikTok , Hannah White explained she was rushing to get home to North Dakota to see her mom Kathleen Nelson, who had gone into septic shock post surgery after suffering undiagnosed pneumonia
However, an hour later the flight attendant came back and said the pilot had called the pilot on her second flight, who had agreed to hold the plane so she could make it.
‘They then bumped me up to first class, so I could get off the plane faster,’ she shared.
‘When I got to my first class seat, the pilot made an announcement to the whole plane to let me off first so I could say goodbye to my mom.’
She added that the man next to her even pulled out a map to show her the fastest way to get through the airport to make the flight, after realizing they were talking about her.
‘They let me off and I ran through the airport to make my flight, knowing they were waiting 30 minuets for me,’ she recounted.
‘The whole time I was picturing my mom and how she would run across the country for me,’ Hannah added.
When she got to her connecting flight, the plane was waiting for her – and Hannah said she was able to relax, knowing she would be able to see her mom one last time.
‘As I got off, all the flight attendants gave me encouraging words and wished me luck,’ she shared, adding the pilot also came out to say he was praying for her.

Hannah immediately booked the first flight out of Dallas which was leaving the next morning. The flight had a connection in Minneapolis, which wasn’t an issue until her flight was delayed by an hour due to mechanical issues

Hannah says the airline, who held her connecting flight so she could make it, gave her an extra 24-hours with her mother, before she passed away (stock image)
‘My mom passed the next day,’ she heartbreakingly shared.
‘Delta’s kindness gave me an extra 24 hours with her,’ she continued. ‘I was able to say “I love you” one last time, and provide the comfort for her in her final moments, that she provided for me my whole life.’
As per CNN Travel, the flight attendant who helped Hannah was Eva Ortiz, and the pilot, Captain Keith Napolitano.
The pilot told the outlet that the ‘stars don’t always align where I have the immediate ability to affect the outcome, but this was one of those cases where I felt it was possible.’
Hannah added she was, ‘was overwhelmed with joy because I had accepted that I wasn’t going to see my mom until the following day.’
‘I don’t think any of them really know the gratitude that I have for them for giving me some extra time with my mom or just being nice to me on one of the worst days of my life,’ she added.