United Airlines flight attendants and their supporters gathered in front of the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Wednesday in what has become a regular showing over demands for a better contract. 

Rsei Isim, the president of United Airlines Association of Flight Attendants Council 65 Guam, said Wednesday’s demonstration is part of a larger call to action and is a continuation of their demand for management at United Airlines to pay flight attendants a fair salary.

Demonstrations last took place on Guam in December 2024, after union members voted in August 2024 to authorize a strike and marked the opening of the Gearing Up To Strike, or GUTS, list for volunteers. This is a confidential list of individuals who would be the first to be called on by the union in the event of strategic disruptions, dubbed Create Havoc Around Our System, or CHAOS, strikes.

Demonstrations have been taking place for the last two or three years since the flight attendant contract was amendable, according to Isim.

He said there had been some progress since December, but added that they still haven’t been afforded their ultimate goal.

“There’s been some progress in terms of some of the sections of the contract moving forward. But we have not been given the fair contract that we deserve, that we are owed. So, this is just another of a continuation of demanding the company to give us a fair contract that we deserve for flight attendants,” Isim said.

He added that there have been no disruptions for airline customers despite the vote to strike. 

“We did take a strike vote. … That’s a testament saying we are prepared to do whatever it takes to get a contract that we earned. There’s no strikes that’s been happening, but the union has a CHAOS strike process that, in the event it has to be done, then we would have to implement that CHAOS. … It could strike at one flight, it could strike at one base, it could strike the whole system. The meat of it is you don’t know when or where the CHAOS strike could take place,” Isim said. 

He was among a handful of United Airlines flight attendants and supporters who stood at an intersection corner in front of the airport, holding signs and chanting in unison. 

“Lies and tricks will not divide, workers standing side by side,” they chanted at one point. 

“We are here to ask for your support to demand the management to give us a fair contract, a contract we so deserve. If the company is going to tell the public that United is the No. 1 airline, then they should show it by paying the flight attendants the No. 1 pay in the airline industry,” Isim said.

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