Aviation enthusiasts will be offered a rare chance to fly on one of the world’s earliest commercial airliners when one of the last airworthy examples of the iconic type performs a US-wide national tour during the summer of 2025. Offering the chance to revisit a bygone era of air travel dating back to the 1930s, those keen on vintage aircraft will be able to take a short pleasure flight in the three-engine monoplane, as it travels across the United States, ending its tour at the legendary EAA AirVenture 2025 event being held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in July 2025.

While Henry Ford may have revolutionized ground transportation with his iconic Model T ‘Tin Lizzie’ first automobile between 1909 and 1926, his interests also lay in other forms of transportation. Recognizing the huge potential of air travel following World War One, Ford introduced his Tri-Motor aircraft which was affectionately known as the ‘Tin Goose’. The new airliner aimed to create and stimulate a whole new market for airline travel when it was introduced.

With three engines and providing unprecedented passenger-focused comfort levels,  Ford’s Tri-Motor addressed concerns about reliability and comfort which had up until that point hampered the growth of airline travel. From 1926 to 1933, Ford Motor Company produced 199 Tri-Motors which served with several major US carriers of the age.

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