SAN FRANCISCO (WKRC) – A man allegedly urinated on a fellow passenger hours into an international flight, leading to him being banned from the airline entirely.

According to an email sent to SFGate by Nicole Cornell, Cornell’s stepfather, Jerome Gutierrez, was on United Airlines Flight 189 from San Francisco to the city of Manila in the Philippines on Dec. 27.

Cornell said that shockingly, a man approached her stepfather and started urinating on him about four hours into the flight.

“[Gutierrez] was asleep and buckled in and was surprised when he looked at the man and thought he was dreaming,” Cornell said in her email. She said that once her stepfather had fully awoken, “[he] realized he was soaked from his stomach down in that man’s urine.”

Cornell said that the flight attendants provided Gutierrez with a pajama set to change into, but allegedly told him “not to approach the man in fear that there would be a confrontation and he would become violent.”

“They put the needs of the airline before my stepdad’s health,” Cornell told the outlet. “I am so disgusted and in shock with how United Airlines handled this!”

“That is a biohazard, and the plane should’ve turned around to address this issue.”

Anoushah Rasta, a United Airlines spokesperson, told SFGate that the flight proceeded as normal after “a passenger disturbance,” but that airline staff did ask Manila police to meet them at the airport upon landing. Rasta also said, “We have banned this passenger.”

Cornell said that the urinating man eventually apologized to Gutierrez and “begged them not to press charges.”

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