a man in a pilot's hat

Tom Stuker, United’s most frequent flyer, has just surpassed 24 million miles on United Airlines. This is an important milestone, though it will hardly slow down his gallivanting around the globe.

Tom Stuker, The Most Prolific Flyer In The History Of United Airlines, Reaches 24 Million Miles

On May 17, 2024, Stuker flew from Newark (EWR) to San Francisco (SFO), crossing over the 24 million-mile lifetime threshold on United Airlines.

Full disclosure, Tom and I are friends and I’ve written a very detailed post on his life, travels, and flight pass, and offered a rebuttal to the shameful hit piece by The Washington Post on his lifestyle. I’ve traveled with him several times, including to Cape Town and Hawaii.

> Read More: The Real Tom Stuker, United’s Most Frequent Flyer

So I approach his latest milestone with the perspective of one who knows Stuker well.

I notice that people continue to question why he does what he does…what would drive someone to fly so many miles each year on United when he does not even receive miles based upon distance flown any longer? (United awards miles based upon dollars spent, and Stuker travels on a pre-paid flight pass he bought in 1990)

Sure, the millions of frequent flyer miles earned over the decades were not just icing on the cake, but a valuable consideration of the package, but Stuker never flew just for the miles. And yes, his business required frequent travel to Australia, hence the reason he bought the pass in the first place, but there’s something even more going on: he loves to fly.

And that is something I can relate to. Some of my favorite people in the world seem to have lost their love of flying, viewing it as a tedious duty rather than something that wows and amazes each time, as it once did. Some people keep to themselves when they fly and do not want to talk to flight attendants, seatmates, or anyone else…and I get that. I have those days too.

Stuker is not like that, though. He’s charming and humorous and derives great pleasure from the sort of small talk with the ground staff and flight attendants who serve him or the seatmates he flies around. He likes the food United serves (I guess I do too, if I’m being honest) and enjoys the familiar rhythms of travel…the airport is his home away from home and I can surely relate to that.

His travel pass also drives family travel, even if he has to pay for additional tickets…he has been with his family to some amazing places around the world that were always possible, but that the pass made easier. And his family loves him…I know that because I’ve heard him talk to his wife and children.

As I’ve said before, I think this “habit” of flying certainly beats other addictions like sports, which I view as a total waste of time.


Congrats to Tom Stuker for hitting 24 million miles on United! Next stop: 25 million!

I don’t think United Airlines would ever sell a pass again and even if it did, I am not sure I would buy one (though I’d certainly strongly consider it). But at this point, I think it’s fair to say that Stuker made a very wise choice in 1990…

image: ua1flyer / Instagram

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