The recent controversy with commercial airline service to Molokai has been an unfortunate problem, or should I say nightmare, for quite some time. People do not understand the nuts and bolts of operating an airline.
Instead of passengers and politicians complaining to Mokulele Airlines, why don’t they help them to improve this vital air service? For instance, state subsidies and more financial resour- ces for the airline to run more efficiently would help.
Most importantly, as a former aircraft mechanic, I feel for the owner and employees of Mokulele. They are sacrificing profit to run an airline on a humanitarian mission doomed to fail.
As for Lanai, why is taxpayer money going to subsidize air service to a privately owned island?
We need a win-win situation for everyone. It’s time to step up and show aggressive leadership to solve this important issue for our local community.
Jackie L. Grambusch Jr.
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