They were received upon their arrival at Changi Airport by Chief Executive Officer of SIA, Mr Goh Choon Phong.
“Transportation to their homes or hotel accommodation has been arranged for passengers travelling to Singapore,” said the airline.
“For passengers with onward connections, we have rebooked them on alternative flights. We have also arranged hotel accommodation or lounge access for them to rest until their next flight.”
Reuters reported dozens of passengers quietly filing off a Singapore Airlines jet on Wednesday morning, mostly ignoring media awaiting their arrival.
Some responded to shouted questions, confirming they had been on the original London-Singapore trip and saying “Good flight!” when asked about the last leg from Bangkok.
As of early Wednesday morning, another 79 passengers and six crew members from SQ321 remain in Bangkok.
This includes those receiving medical care, as well as their family members and loved ones who were on the flight, SIA said.
“A dedicated SIA team from Singapore is in Bangkok to assist our colleagues and the local authorities. We are providing all possible support to the passengers and crew from SQ321 who remain in Bangkok.”
The airline also expressed its condolences over the death of the British passenger.
“On behalf of Singapore Airlines, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased passenger. We also deeply apologise for the trauma experienced by all passengers and crew members on this flight,” said Mr Goh.
“We are providing all possible assistance and support to them, along with their families and loved ones, during this difficult time. The well-being of our passengers and staff is our utmost priority.”