As Indian airlines continues to receive hoax bomb threats, an Indian Airlines flight scheduled to depart from Nepal for New Delhi on Saturday, November 2, received a bomb threat.

The chief of police at the airport, Dambar Bahadur, stated to ANI that a search operation is currently in progress with the help of Nepal police and army.

Over the last few weeks, over 400 Indian flights, including those of Air India, Vistara, and Air Akasa have received bomb threats.

On October 28, at least seven flights of India-based carriers to and fro Kolkata received bomb threat messages through social media posts. The threats, however, turned out to be a hoax and flights were operated.

Of the seven, five were of Indigo and two were of Vistara.

In 15 days, over 410 domestic and international flights operated by the Indian carriers have received hoax bomb threats.

Against this backdrop, the IT Ministry has asked social media platforms to observe due diligence obligations and promptly remove or disable access to misinformation within the strict timelines prescribed under IT rules.

The civil aviation ministry is also looking to take action to tackle the menace of the hoax bomb threats to airlines.

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